

ICD-10 Code Freeze to End Oct. 1st

In preparation for the transition to ICD-10 CMS froze the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes so that providers could transition as smoothly as possible. Well, spring is here and it looks like that freeze is coming [...]

Speeding Up Your Browser

The internet is a lightning paced tool that enables you to do get information, give information, and communicate at immeasurable speed. So why is your computer going so SLOW?! Check out these tips to help [...]

The Cloud Defined, Kind Of

The cloud is a term that has become popular in the last 10 years or so. You’re probably using the cloud now in your personal life, and if you are a Data Soft Logic client, [...]

8 Tips To Building a Strong Referral Relationship

In order to succeed in any business having good referral sources may be one of the most important things. It doesn’t matter if you are selling tires (you’d want a good referral relationship with towing [...]

CAHSAH Celebrates 50 Years!

For 50 great years the California Association for Health Services at Home has been supporting the home care industry.  The wonderful folks there have been providing advocacy, education, and information reflecting the diversity of the [...]

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